/ Category: Social networking
Apps Scanned for SDKs
Total Apps Scanned
Apps: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0
Apps: 0
Monthly Installs: 0
App-Ads.txt DIRECT apps
Android Adstxt apps
iOS Adstxt apps
SDK data is derived by downloading the app's Android APK or iOS IPA file and unzipped. We then check the app's data for SDK signatures in paths, AndroidManifest.xml and the Info.plist. Many apps are unable to be zipped. Downloading and opening the APK or IPA takes time and resources thus the smaller totals.
Total Android Apps: 0
Total iOS Apps: 0
App Ads.txt
App-ads.txt files are an open standard by the IAB to help combat ad fraud. This data was crawled from the URLs on the app's developer pages. Not all apps have app-ads.txt, many do not.
Total Android Apps: 15
Total iOS Apps: 5
Android SDK
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) |
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) |
Android App Ads.txt
App | Installs | Installs (30d) | |
1 | Likee - Short Video Community | 956,875,425 | 1,766,684 |
2 | MEEFF - Make Global Friends | 12,976,165 | 132,756 |
3 | 에브리타임 - 함께하는 대학생활 | 3,882,600 | 54,066 |
4 | Spoon: Live Audio & Podcasts | 22,944,938 | 33,571 |
5 | Woilo – Photos, Videos, & NFTs | 2,681,184 | 27,856 |
6 | 디시인사이드 - dcinside | 630,063 | 16,636 |
7 | 즐챗 - 인연을 위한 채팅 커뮤니티앱 | 868,098 | 3,752 |
8 | K-friend : GenZ Korean friends | 133,280 | 3,388 |
9 | 리워디 - 전국민 소셜 앱테크 (만물상) | 514,617 | 498 |
10 | 새벽친구 - 한 밤의 톡 친구 만들기 | 2,827 | 410 |
11 | 모두의 커뮤니티 - 오유, 클리앙, 보배드림, 뽐뿌 | 27,048 | 71 |
12 | 상황극R - 새로운 멤버놀이의 시작 | 53,927 | 63 |
13 | 멤버놀이R - 새로운 상황극의 시작 | 82,201 | 51 |
14 | 역할극R - 또 다른 세계 | 8,023 | 29 |
15 | FleaChat | 7 | N/A |
iOS App Ads.txt
App | Ratings | Rating Count (30d) | |
1 | MEEFF - Make Global Friends | 16,613 | 243 |
2 | 1km -New relationships, Groups | 579 | 2 |
3 | Woilo : Photo, Video, Chat | 0 | N/A |
4 | FanLive ( with STAR ) | 0 | N/A |
5 | Kooky: For K-Pop Fans | 42 | N/A |